Pastor Unlikely

Exciting Podcast Announcement – The Simple Discipleship Podcast

Come Let Us Disciple

I have been extraordinarily blessed with opportunities for great discipleship.  My wife and I joined a wonderful Bible teaching church with Godly leadership shortly after my spiritual awakening.  We have also been by our own description the “way too excited to be in church” people from that time on.  We show up for everything, talk to everyone we can and stay late.  As a result, I have been privileged to spend hours of informal time just sitting and talking with mature believers who are on fire with the Lord about the things of God.  This is not formal discipleship training but it is extremely effective.  It is simply asking Christians who are further along in their walks how they got there and what they do to stay there.  It is a lot like just sitting at a teacher’s feet and soaking in the Jesus in their lives.

We all need Spiritual Mentors

Having grown up without a Dad involved in my life, just asking questions and listening has also been my way of learning how to be a Godly husband, father, pastor, and man.  I gleaned from men and women of God sharing their lives, warts and all, and then tried to apply the things God taught them to my life.  I am so thankful for all those who were willing to speak Jesus into my life and what the Lord did with their efforts over the years.


There are many who don’t have the same access that I did.  Whether due to geography, a different church structure, time or other issues, you may not have the ability to come early and stay late.  You may not have anyone you are able to sit with and learn the things of Christian manhood or womanhood.  Life is really fast and disconnected these days.  It is hard to be discipled.  It is desperately needed but often overlooked.

This lack provides motivation behind The Simple Discipleship Podcast.  We all need strong voices in our lives pointing us to the glory of Jesus.  This podcast is an attempt to do that virtually and help you grasp onto a better life in Christ.

Simple Discipleship Podcast Pastor Unlikely

We will be talking with awesome men and women of God from all backgrounds.  They are in the “ministry”, pastors, pastor’s wives, missionaries, ministry workers, youth leaders and authors as well as those who are plowing the fields that God gave them outside of what we would call the ministry.  They will share their stories, their ministries and encourage you in your walk.

I am personally looking forward to interviewing my bride, Jen, and asking her to talk about how the Lord helped her through our unequally yoked time of marriage.  She will share she can pass on to help other wives who are praying for their husbands.

I hope you join us as we embark on this journey into Simple Discipleship.  There is a lot to learn on the way, this is a whole new medium, but I know I am greatly looking forward to what Jesus teaches us.

Let’s grow in Jesus together!

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