Galatians 2 – Are You Trying to Earn God’s Approval?

Paul Rebuked Peter for Distorting the Gospel

Do You Want the Peace and Joy Promised You? Are you not feeling it today?

It may be because you are trying to earn it. There are so many Christians who are not living as Jesus intends for one simple reason: You don’t accept that it is finished.

What is finished?

Your Salvation. Your Standing before God. Your adoption into God’s family. Your position as beloved of God. Jesus earned you all of those on the Cross.

Yet, culture, people, doubt, and Satan come along and tell you this is not true. It is not finished. It is up to you to earn God’s love and approval.

This is a lie. It steals from you and from Jesus. It robs you of your certainty and security as God’s chosen child. It takes away from your joy, rest, and peace. It also steals from the glory of Jesus on the Cross. When He cried with His dying breaths – It is Finished – He was proclaiming the most wonderful message ever.

Your debt is paid.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is arguing with Jesus.

In this message, we look at how Paul takes on Peter, Barnabas and the rest of the “respectable” members of the Church of Antioch to fight for these life giving truths.

This took an incredible amount of courage on Paul’s part. Barnabas was his good friend. Peter was the close friend of Jesus. Paul’s allegiance was not to them, though. Paul served Jesus alone so he fought to protect His sheep and His Gospel.

Are you willing to fight for them too?

Galatians 2 Sermon

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