Thought for the Day: God Protects our Reputation

Want to live a more content Christian life?  Consider this thought:

When we protect our character, God protects our reputation.

It is simple and straightforward, but it makes life so much easier.  Why?

We simply can never control what people think or say about us.  Even Jesus had His critics and He was literally perfect in every way.  Trying to keep whisperers quiet or critics happy is a good way to drive ourselves crazy.

We can control our own actions and behaviors.  We can seek to follow God and be blameless before Him and other people.  Not perfect, that is for Jesus alone, but nothing undealt with or for which we need to repent.

When we do this, two funny things tend to happen.  People stop listening to the ones who are whispering and criticizing and we stop caring about the critics.  Taking care of our business tends to make others mind their own.

Seek God and His righteousness and let Him take care of everything else!


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